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Wellbeing and Resilience

Leaders know that employee engagement and organisational resilience is fundamental to business success. Our workshops and programmes help your leaders achieve this.


Our experience across a diverse range of workplaces has taught us that you cannot achieve strategic goals without focusing on individual and team fulfilment.


That is why we recommend all our clients place wellbeing and employee engagement at the heart of their business and people strategies. Let us help you do the same.

Organisational Resilience

Make sure you are ready to withstand any storms

Team and Employee Wellbeing

Invest in motivated employees for a more productive workforce

Emotional Intelligence

Draw on emotional connections to help you work smarter

Employee Engagement

Build an empowered workforce that is truly invested in your business’s success

Organisational Resilience

We enable teams to become more resourceful in times of uncertainty, ensuring leaders make good decisions in challenging environments. We will help you uncover the qualities unique to you and your teams that can build strong and resilient partnerships.


We achieve this by delivering creative tools and techniques to analyse current levels of wellbeing and resilience in your organisation. We measure levels of control, commitment, challenge and confidence, and help teams adapt behaviours to improve their mental toughness so they bounce back quickly when stress signals are high. By focusing on skills such as adaptability and flexibility, we help shift mindsets to what is possible rather than what isn’t.


We will question and challenge to help you identify when you are ‘off course’, and help create the space for you to pause, reflect and reset.

Organisational Resilience

Make sure your ready to withstand any storms

Team and Employee Wellbeing

We know that businesses cannot thrive without a happy and healthy workforce. We help create motivated and supported teams, by assessing their current health status and implement a range of measures which make a tangible difference to employee wellbeing.


Organisations also need to support employees to be creative and curious for the business to perform at its best. Our wellbeing workshops help team members recover quickly from set-backs and extract learning from challenges.


In addition, we will collaborate with you on ways to transition fixed mindsets into growth mindsets, unlocking the potential that already exists in your business. We are skilled at creating frameworks to instil this approach in your teams so that they are always looking to the future. 

Team and Employee Wellbeing

Invest in motivated employees for a more productive workforce

Emotional Intelligence

Traditional leadership programmes focused on IQ but today we know that EQ – or emotional intelligence – has an even greater bearing on a leader’s success. The ability to step into the shoes of someone else and engage them through that lens is highly valuable. Through our programme, leaders gain a deeper understanding of themselves and how to use emotional intelligence to motivate, influence and support team members with compassion. Participants also learn how to draw on emotional intelligence to lead organisations through times of uncertainty and how their leadership style can positively impact organisational culture and improve teams’ health and wellbeing.


Emotional Intelligence

Draw on emotional connections to help you work smarter

Transform Employee Engagement

Based on our extensive experience of working in the John Lewis Partnership – the largest co-owned business in the UK – we have seen first-hand the value that true employee engagement brings to a business. Our programmes are designed to create the right conditions for all members of a workplace to be able to give their best each day by focusing on trust, choice and empowerment. This is more important than ever in the current climate as more sections of the workforce begin working remotely. With our support, virtual workers can be as efficient, productive and enthusiastic as their office-based colleagues.

Transform Employee Engagement

Build an empowered workforce that is truly invested in your business’s success

our work



A retail estate investment trust needed a unified, collaborative executive team. We worked with them to foster high levels of engagement, creativity and innovation.

Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan’s HR Leadership team had experienced significant change, and they were keen to investigate what they were doing well and how to become a high performing team.

Get in touch

Talk to us about your needs and challenges and we'll develop a unique proposal to help your business thrive



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