HH Icon Redeployment


Creating an adaptable workforce goes hand-in-hand with running a successful business. A comprehensive redeployment strategy will help you retain key talent and make organisational change a positive experience.


Organisational change can leave employees feeling fearful for their jobs, but all businesses need to evolve if they are to survive and prosper. 

Investing in a robust redeployment strategy is one of the best ways to prepare your staff for the future in an open and up-front way, making change an exciting and positive experience rather than a source of anxiety.

Career Coaching

Transfer skill and experience where you need it most

Transition Coaching

Prepare for change and plan to realise your ambitions

Interview Coaching

Perform at your best with expert feedback on your interview style

CV Writing and LinkedIn Profiles

Create a professional CV and digital profile to help attract the right employers


With our expert guidance, your employees will be equipped to transition to new roles with confidence and clarity about their career goals. We will work with you to develop a redeployment package which includes a tailored mix of the following services:


Career Coaching – a programme of 3-6 individual coaching conversations for selected employees, providing the opportunity to explore what your key team members really want from their future careers. Our coaches will help them consider what lies behind their current career journey and clarify their ambitions for the future.


Transition Coaching – for employees who are experiencing role transitions, we offer coaching sessions which focus on supporting them through the change. By offering the right mix of support and challenge, we help employees formalise the end of their current role whilst maximising the opportunity that lies ahead.


Interview Practice and Coaching – these targeted sessions give participants the opportunity to gain constructive feedback on their interview style in a safe and positive environment. Our coaches will help your employees gain confidence in how to present themselves to future employers with personalised tips and up-to-date advice on what employers are looking for in the interview process.


CV Writing and LinkedIn packages – our experts will work with your employees to create professionally tailored CVs and covering letters, highlighting relevant skills and experience to help them attract the right employers. Alongside a skillfully written CV, it’s increasingly important to demonstrate professional credibility with a comprehensive LinkedIn profile and strategy for connecting with the right people. With our LinkedIn package, your employees will benefit from an optimised LinkedIn profile as well as up-to-date training giving them the confidence to use LinkedIn to establish influence and achieve career success.


Make organisational change a positive experience

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Talk to us about your needs and challenges and we'll develop a unique proposal to help your business thrive



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